

CJEU: Website operators are "jointly responsible" for embedding social media or 3rd party code

ECJ gives short shrift to Facebook “Like” button: Operators of websites and apps are “jointly responsible” with Facebook read more


"Hi Alexa, can I trust you?"

From Alexa and Google Assistant to Cortana, Siri and Bixby: Viewed with scepticism by technology experts since their market launch in 2015, now academics, the media, regulatory authorities and courts are also turning their attention to the security and data protection issues surrounding intelligent virtual assistants. read more

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ECJ gives short shrift to Facebook “Like” button: Operators of websites and apps are “jointly responsible” with Facebook

Judgment in the “Fashion ID” case (C-40/17): operators of websites and apps are jointly liable with Facebook for the fulfilment of all obligations incumbent on data controllers according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). read more


Is the doll “My Friend Cayla” an illegal eavesdropping device?

The toy “My Friend Cayla” uses Bluetooth to connect to a dedicated smartphone or tablet app, via which it is also connected to the Internet. Something you won’t realise at first is that the doll can listen in on conversations and transmit them over a wireless connection. read more


WhatsApp and privacy

WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging service, allowing users to share moments with friends, family and acquaintances 24 hours a day, seven days a week – in real time. But the announcement of recent weeks and the news from Hamburg’s data protection commissioner Johannes Caspar are detracting from all the chat fun – or are they? read more


I spy with my little eye: video surveillance

A “publicly accessible area” within the meaning of Section 6b of Germany’s Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) is an area which anyone can enter. Any restrictions on access, such as entrance tickets or proof that a person has reached the age of majority, are of no relevance to this definition. read more

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