

What You Can Do After A Racist Attack - A Guide For Victims, Relatives And Witnesses

A guide to give general information for victims, relatives and witnesses of discriminatory experiences and racist incidents. It is there to provide you with basic information about the legal steps you can take, explanations on the process of reporting a crime and the institutions and organisations that can offer help in this difficult situation. read more


Press review: Online advertising causes the world's biggest data breach - Spirit Legal joins Johnny Ryan (ICCL) in lawsuit

ICCL's lawsuit takes aim at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Verizon, AT&T and the entire online advertising/tracking industry by challenging industry rules. Johnny Ryan (Irish Council for Civil Liberties) and Spirit Legal are going to court to stop it. read more


Live-Webinar: US Privacy Laws for German Businesses on June 30th 2021

How do U.S. privacy laws affect the way you do business? The webinar is aimed at in-house or outside counsel, as well as data protection and compliance officers. In this webinar we will review the latest developments in the US privacy landscape and explain how they pertain to your business. read more


Jurisdiction clarified: International online travel agencies can be sued in Germany for infringement of competition law

Henning Fangman on a recent ECJ conclusion that hoteliers may in future enforce their legal claims against OTAs in their home country. read more


Job advertisement: Lawyer (m/f/x) wanted for permanent position in data protection / privacy / commercial law

Leipzig Lawyers with digital DNA are looking for European data protection law specialists read more


Clubhouse app faces court action in Germany over serious failings under data protection and consumer law

Germany’s largest consumer protection organisation calls on Clubhouse operator Alpha Exploration Co. to cease and desist from illegal business practices and data protection violations read more


German Data Protection Authorities continue to impose record penalties: fined 10,4 Mio EUR

German Data Protection Authorities continue to impose record penalties. Peter Hense explains the case of Notebooksbilliger and offers a checklist: What should companies consider when it comes to video surveillance? read more


The end of dark patterns in “cookie walls”: German court bans deceptive designs

The end of Dark Patterns in Cookie Walls? Peter Hense outlines why German court bans deceptive designs. read more


Roadmap and milestones of German laws for autonomous vehicles

Spirit Legal partner Peter Hense on German laws for autonomous vehicles. What’s the goal? What will the new act regulate? What's the timetable? read more

The Leipzig-based law firm Spirit Legal advises domestic and foreign businesses with an international focus. Our core consulting expertise is in the areas of e-commerce, corporate, competition, trademark, IT and data protection law. When it comes to legal matters, our industry experience makes us the ideal specialists for start-ups, travel companies and the hotel industry.

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