

Landgericht Hamburg first German court to confirm that anyone who places a link to a page containing stolen images may be liable for copyright infringement

Following the European Court of Justice (ECJ) last summer, for the first time a German court – the Landgericht Hamburg – has now determined that simply linking to a website which contains a copyright infringement could in itself constitute a rights infringement. read more


WhatsApp and privacy

WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging service, allowing users to share moments with friends, family and acquaintances 24 hours a day, seven days a week – in real time. But the announcement of recent weeks and the news from Hamburg’s data protection commissioner Johannes Caspar are detracting from all the chat fun – or are they? read more


I spy with my little eye: video surveillance

A “publicly accessible area” within the meaning of Section 6b of Germany’s Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) is an area which anyone can enter. Any restrictions on access, such as entrance tickets or proof that a person has reached the age of majority, are of no relevance to this definition. read more


Erdogan ./. Böhmermann: The reasons for the Landgericht Hamburg’s decision

On 17 May 2016 Hamburg’s regional court, the Landgericht Hamburg (LG Hamburg), decided that Jan Böhmermann must in future refrain from uttering large parts of the abusive poem he recently performed. The court has now published the reasons for its decision. read more

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Newsletter: EU regulation on online dispute resolution in force | Information requirements for e-commerce and e-distribution

Traders are required to provide an easily accessible link to the website of the online dispute resolution platform. This applies to all vendors who conclude B2C sales contracts and/or B2C service contracts by electronic means. read more

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