Christian Däuble
Data Protection
Christian Däuble, LL.M. is an attorney-at-law specialising in data protection, technology and competition law. As well as advising on data protection-intensive technologies, he focuses in particular on privacy litigation.
Christian Däuble studied law in Freiburg and Paris. After his first state examination, he worked as a press officer for the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. He then began an LL.M. in European Law at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. He subsequently worked for the Research Services of the German Bundestag before completing his legal training at the higher regional court in Naumburg in 2023 with the second state examination.
Christian Däuble began working as an attorney-at-law at Spirit Legal in 2023, specialising in data protection, technology and competition law. He advises businesses on the use of data protection-intensive technologies and has a particular focus on privacy and competition litigation.
In addition to his interest in all things technology and privacy, he is a fan of good books, running and music.